
Brave man

He's a brave adventurer in the nature, yes,supertramp, but a coward in the human society, either. He has met so many good guys during his journey, why he's still scared by the relationship of people?

Is he crazy or just naive? Is he footloose or actually intense? Is he an extremist or draft dodger?

I've no idea, I just feel pathetic of his parents, and the helpless Alex in his terminal. "Into the wild"isn't anything that anyone can get through.



7-day National vacation's finally come. Most of the guys on my msn disappeared, except for my previous colleagues, who are still "fighting"in the front line for some so called exclusive news(actually, most of that is just routine news),as what I did in the past 4 years. I understand how torturing that is!! In a matter of fact,their tragedy makes me feel better, I'll never regret giving up that job again. Hmm, why am I so mean? Haha.

I stayed at home all day and watched "Ugly Betty",enjoy the magic things happening to her, sad about the disasters she always faces,of cause, she always fixes them too.Thus, happiness just comes.

This vacation is nothing for me, because I'm on a long vacation and I don't know how long it's gonna be, as long as I want it to be, I think. At present, for the lazy Renee, work's gonna scary, whoops, can you believe this words coming out from a former workaholic?

Sometimes, I find myself can be happy, as long as I'm not so single-minded to my true feeling, that's not pretending too,it's just, you know, a shallow happiness, but it's still happiness right?



I came back to the training center yesterday,finally. After 2 weeks travelling and 1 week staying at home, I felt the life's a little bit fresh.

The two gate ways underground were blocked, I had to change my old way to get into the center. What's more, only 3 weeks, some teachers have left, some new teachers have come. We have another David now, this new David is an old grandpa of 8 children. It's really easy for Foreigners to find a job in China if you speak a non-Chinese language!!

It's very very hard to put something new into this post.Because for less than 1 hour I breathed the air of the real world, everything had been gone back to their original position. Nothing's gonna happen.

Seems a little depressed again. Cheer up, at least, yesterday,in the hot-pot restaurant, when I was asked by the waitor to raffle, I won a prize of a plate of Chinese cabbage!! haha,lucky me, as lucky as the value of cabbage!


Damned homework

Wish my English teacher won't freak out. I believe the training center didn't make much ado to design the questions of our homework, but me, the stupid one, gave the random questions such long long answer. haha, take your time, my dear teacher!!

1,Read a mystery book or watch a mystery movie. Report on it in the following manner.

I watched "I know who killed me", because I heard this movie got 8 Golden Razzi Awards, and I'm curious how terrible it is. And now, I'm so tired and sleepy and have to write down a lot of bullshit!!

(1)Summarize it in about three sentences

Aubrey Fleming, a bright and promising girl disappeared one night after another girl in her university had been found dead. 18 days later, Aubrey was found without one arm and one leg in a remote place by a driver passing by. But when she woke up from a coma in the hospital, she claimed she was not Aubrey but Dakota, a stripper in a night club, FBI began to investigate.

(2)provide a step-by-step analysis of how you solved the mystery or how the story unraveled.

The first picture is that Aubrey dressed in red was dancing in a night club, all of a sudden, her hand was blooding.

Then, Aubrey wearing glasses was reading her novel in in front of her classmates. After that, she was practicing piano but she told the teacher she would quit piano and want to concentrate on her writing. Several days later, a missing girl in Aubrey's university was found dead.

One night, after a crazy celebration of National Collegiate Athletic Association Football game, Aubrey was missing with her car stopped on the street. In a dark place, a man dressed in blue and in blue gloves tortured her very cruelly, cutting her fingers and leg. At the same time, the FBI began to investigate.

18 days after, Aubrey was found in a remote place by a driver passing by, alive, but injured very badly. After an emergent surgery, Aubrey survived. The FBI was analyzing the case and found this case was different with the previous cases in some details, such as the victim was still alive, and they wondered whether the killer let her go or she escaped from the cruel killer. And the doctor found that Aubrey's fingers had been put back once to her hand after cut, but there was no reason for the killer to do that. The weirdest thing was that when Aubrey woke up from a coma, she told everybody that she was not Aubrey, but Dakota, and she was not the good student in university but a stripper in a night club. Her mother was a junky and died from OD 6 months ago.

The shrink(psychiatrist) talked to Aubrey and showed her the other victims' pictures, they had the same injury, and the shrink hoped Aubrey could cooperate with FBI and tell the truth. But Aubrey still didn't admit she was Aubrey and said she didn't know how she got cut. She told the FBI that when she was dancing one night, her hand began to blood without any reason, and she saw a man in blue gloves very faintly. The FBI and the psychiatrist thought Aubrey was lying and had immense illusion or imagination.

When Dakota came back home with Aubrey's parents from hospital, her body began to blood without reason in several cases again, such as when she dreamed that a man was cutting her and her arm began to blood in the reality. One day, Dakota recalled to Aubrey's boyfriend how she got cut, she said the first time the strange thing happened was her finger began to break when she was having a shower, and then one night when she was dancing, her finger cut all of a sudden and leg began to break too. She put her finger back to her hand and enswathed by herself and then took a bus back home, but after she got off the bus, she couldn't remember anything. And the boy believed a bit and decided to help her find the truth.

Then, the FBI and Dakota found the novel written by Aubrey in her computer's hard drive. The character of this novel was Dakota Moss, who was looking for her another half, her identical twin. According to this novel, the FBI thought Aubrey was living in the world made up by herself. But Dakota realized what could have happened. Dakota checked online and found that there was some strange telepathy between identical twins can explain her strange bleeding wounds. She asked Aubrey's mother whether she had a twin sister, but the mother showed her the video of ultrasonography and there was definitely only one baby, but she also said she almost lost Aubrey because she fell down one time before the baby was due. So Dakota turned to Aubrey's father and asked what on earth happened when Aubrey was born. Finally, the father confessed that the baby was dead after Aubrey's mother fell down and passed out, in order to make her wife happier, Aubrey's dad bought one of twin girl babies from a single mother in the hospital, and hid the truth all the time.

The truth was open, every time when Aubrey was cut by that cruel killer, the same thing happened to Dakota too. And Dakota felt that Aubrey was still alive but very weak and will die soon, she went to look for her. she got the tomb where Aubrey was buried alive by the killer, and found the killer left a silk belt with a name on it. It turned out the piano teacher who was the killer. And there was a fight, Dakota used her fake mental hand killed the killer and she dug the tomb and found Aubrey. That's all.

(3)Briefly summarize the main characters and their motives in the story.
Aubrey: a bright girl in Yale university who's talented both in playing piano and writing, but disappeared one day. The story was unfolded through looking for her and the things happened to her.

Dakota, a stripper, who was recognized as Aubrey by everybody, and experience the injury as Aubrey, turned out in the end, is Aubrey's twin sister, but was separated when they were born.

killer, used to be Aubrey's piano teacher. but I don't know what's his motive. because he thought Aubrey should have continue piano but she quit? How can we explain why he killed other victims.

Aubrey's parents, her father bought her as a substitute when their own baby died, and hid the truth from her mother.


Am I cursed?

This travel hasn't fulfilled its goal. I wanted to pursue some lost happiness but found it's not available.

Beijing kept raining or cloudy,which made me much moodier.I never kept a rainyBeijing in my mind, that's not the "common" Beijing. Blue sky, dry air, that's typical. Everything's changed. Marriage, divorce, baby, betray, love,we experienced various lives.

Ten years have huge power. "Never grow old" is just a fairy tale. I walked in the Nanluogu lane one day, felt very tired and realized at once, nothing's gotta be like before. Admit it.

I lost my mobile phone, again, in the cinema. It's really not a happy journey.