
War and peace

I didn't like war stories all the time until "Saving Private Ryan" and "Band of Brothers" showed up.Because they told me the truth about the war,I think.

I wonder what they thought when the sodiers first stepped on the war fields.I'm sure scare was one of the feelings, no matter it had been revealed or not——It's the human nature. Eventhough they were thrown into the unawared fearful place,they took their time to work up the courage and bravery unless they might only be waiting for death. Maybe they thought nothing but to do well in the mission and could be alive even healthy if they were lucky enough.

Blood, bullets, wound,broken legs or arms, hurt, all of these are common in a war but a big deal to any individual. They might lose their right to live as ordinary people, their family might lose a son. It's a disaster to anyone.

A soldier, who at first a human being,no matter he's ours or the enemies, is only a chessman who toes the line from his superior. Maybe in the peaceful time,some German soldiers can be good friends with the American's, they may share the same interst or hobbies,and they all have warm families where mothers are waiting for their boys back home.But on the battle field they have to kill each other. What a cruelty it is!

I don't know how they could get rid of the memory about the scene after war,maybe they couldn't and wouldn't at all. If one person escaped from the death and scare, he would know more about the value of peace than anyone else. Heard that some of the survivors lived a good life after all, I feel so comfortable for them. They are the heros who struggled the good lives for us all,thank you.

The below words are the classical lines from Band of Brothers when the surrendered German General spoke to their soldiers.
Men,it's been a long war,it's been a tough war. You have fought bravely,proudly,for your country. You are a special group. Who have found in one another a bond. That exists only in combat. Among brothers of shared foxholes,held each others in dire moments. Who've seen death and suffered together. I have proud to have served with each and every one of you. You deserve long and happy lives of peace.


Good or not so good

A French buddy on the IMVU sorely recommended this movie to me——"I am legend."

Since I like Will Smith,I think maybe it's truly wonderful. Neville is a persevering and brilliant scientist, who's the only survivor in a man-made biochemical crisis that every other human being had died or mutated into carnivorous beings. Being immune, Neville persists in seeking the methods to cure the victims and tries to stop the disaster,and his only accompanist is the dog.

Evething seems fruitless, he fails again and again in his lab. At last, he has no choice but to perish together with the mutated beings who try to assualt him and destroy the whole world.

The story is simple and not so cliff-hanging as "The Bourne Ultimatum", and I like "Pursuit of happiness" starred by Will Smith better actually.

Cheer up

Some friends online said to me ,"Hope you can overcome your anger and be happier in the new year." Hearing this, I realized that I'd changed a lot. I used to be easy-going,peaceful and lazy,but now I am bad-tempered and haggle over every ounce and the worst thing is I'm lazier than ever.

Such a damn. I hate that.



I wrote 4 reports today till almost 22:00. After finished, I thought I'm dying.

So hungry. And everytime when I am too hungry,I always go to the same place "xiao fei yang".Why?

I have the strong feeling that I can't do this job well forever. I can't do anything well. I'm too lazy and have the bad habits and character,all these factors make me like this now.

I saw the report on Yahoo,many message were from somebody who spoke on condition of anonymity.But why do our leaders always say what's the resourse's name and post? Yes,I know,I know that we must be in line with the law of journalism——we are seeking for the truth,and we must be of justice and authority.

Damned job,and damned me.



There are something, that if I do, I will wrong myself;if I don't do,I will wrong you.

I don't want to wrong myself, but I can't wrong you guys too.

I always think, if I was cruelhearted enough, I will do anything I want without considering the feelings of others,and insist on concluding everything quickly,I won't flounder so much.

Maybe,to leave is a better way to reduce pains. It includes death.Yes,death.


A little busyness that I can stand.

Older and older, I get exausted much easier. Can I study again? I always ask myself, am I diligent enough? Am I smart enough? Am I self-confident enough? NO. The answer's always "no".

Does this answer indicate that you don't have the ability and courage to finish the study abroad? I don't know, I'm tired of the present life, I hope a new one.


The products from dangdang were sent to me this afternoon.7 books,including "A Book Devoted To My Daughter "by WangShuo,"A Story Of LALA's Promotion", "China Backpack","A Manual For Bodies",and the series of "Ghost Blows Out the Light".

Yes,I love books.But I'm afraid that I don't know how to read until now.Maybe Chinese students are good at reciting and repeating but can not use well what we learnt.

It's enough.I can't let my children encounter what I have experienced again.I hope he or she can be happy,in a good society and system.

Hi renee

It's your last chance to change your fate.If you want to live your dreaming life,please,hold on.

I know you can.Cheer up.